Helping you feel Confident, Excited & Ready to take on your Building Project

You may know Kribashini from...

Build it Right.

Play with Possibilities.

Live Sustainably!

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We're glad you found us!


Hello, I'm Kribashini

A Construction Project Manager turned Design & Build Coach, and I am your guide to the building industry.

I successfully created an online course, helping women build and develop for profit. After I left, I found that a lot of people came to me who were still struggling with common problems that could have been avoided at the very beginning of their journey.

I realised that a course on its own was not enough and that learning about how to renovate will not help if you have not taken the right first steps. I started mentoring homeowners with their problems and offered solutions that helped them avoid big mistakes.

From this experience and working closely with my clients, the Pre-Build Program was born out of a need to combine a clear first steps framework with industry knowledge, and timely specific help.

I've got the experience, the program AND the industry contacts to set your build up for success.

I help you figure out the hard stuff for your reno or new build, the costs, the design team, how you are going to do it and most of all if its even POSSIBLE for your budget.

The Ultimate Pre-Build Questionnaire

Not sure where to start with your reno or new build? 

Our Pre-Build Questionnaire will help you to clarify all those initial questions you didn't know you should ask yourself.

We've here to make this process easier for you and with the right questions and guidance this will be a breeze!

Grab it Here

Our Programs and Coaching

EVERY client we see has the same problems.
These are our solutions that SOLVE them.

The Pre-Build Program

  • Go from being in the dark to ready to start in a 12 week self-paced online program with 6  coaching sessions to help you with your design, budget & delivery.
  • We connect you with the right information and team so you can hit the ground running.
Find Out More About It

Trouble Shooting and  Peace of Mind

When you need to talk to someone and get answers quickly about what to do and how to resolve your issue then BOOK a 1:1 Consultation with me.

As a Coach we lay out the tools/solutions for you to use to resolve your problem or connect you with someone who can.

Book a 1 Hour Consult

Problem Solver Site Visit

Want someone to come over to your house? Walk through your plans? Is what you want to do is achievable?

We know NO ONE is returning your call - and sometimes and you need an answer FAST right?

A Site Visit IS the fastest way to get out of indecision land and know your next step!

Yes - Come to my Site!

Our "Build it Right" Masterclass!

My Book 

It's all about empowering women to build and renovate their dream home.

This book is written for women by women, and we take you through the building and renovation process from start to finish. 

As construction specialists with a passion for building, managing large-scale projects and renovating properties for profit, we thought that instead of answering the same questions over and over, we'd put it all in a book for everyone to access.

Get a Copy

Why Work with Me?

Here's 6 great reasons

We are MORE than an online course.

Big group Q&A's not your thing? 

There are times when you need specific and detailed answers to get you past those difficult hurdles.

It is my framework and expertise that WILL make the difference!

I WILL answer all of your difficult questions.

Want answers to the difficult questions NO ONE is answering?

The design and building process does not help homeowners get the clarity as so much of the process is blind to the ultimate cost.

I give you that and I'll put you in touch with the right people via the BuildPlayLIve Bubble.

Learn where to spend and where to save money.

Not sure what your money can buy? 

We all want to make the most of what we have, spend wisely and not over capitalise. 

I can show you what's important to stay within your budget whether it's $200K or $1m and anything in-between.

Know what you want and plan it the RIGHT way the FIRST time.


Going back to the drawing board and repeatedly reworking your design is a common source of wasted time and money - and can be very frustrating!

With the right planning and considerations, this is completely avoidable

Know your options so you can take control.

Most people will go over budget on their renovation.

There are many online courses teaching you about renovating and building but it is a waste of time if you don't know if 1) what you have to spend is enough 2) how the pathway you choose impacts your costs.

Be around the right people for you.

You can learn and share so much with the people around you.

If you don't know what you want and how to get it, your Design Team or Builder will make the decisions for you!


Our Beautiful Community Awaits

I'll be the first to tell you how amazing our gorgeous community is!

We are community led, and that means if you have an idea - tell us about it.

If you want to host a site walk or talk, create an event for it. If there's something you want to learn more about - share it with us!


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What Our Community Are Saying

Our students' success speaks volumes.

"Kribashini has a wealth of experience in commercial and residential Project Management. I would recommend her to anyone looking for an experienced professional to guide you through your building project." 


"I'm really grateful for your advice at so many key moments along the way. It was pivotal and led to a better outcome I can't thank you enough." 


"Kribashini's help with budgeting was invaluable. We drilled right down in the detail - even calculating how many bricks I'd need! This process ensured I allowed sufficient budget for everything and gave me so much confidence when tendering out the build." 


On the Gram

In a Jam?  

Make use of our complimentary 20 minute consult call option for a quick question and a way out of a tough spot. It is perfect for those who only have one or two questions they need help with. We do limit these to one per person.

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We are not spammy I promise. Join our mailing list and we'll If you want to stay in the loop about our industry insights, upcoming events and face to face or online workshops and other fun stuff then jump on board.


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